Rome 1999 – 2007
The World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates was born as an initiative of the Gorbachev Foundation, supported by Nobel Peace Laureates and the City of Rome. The City of Rome hosted 8 summits and about 12 Nobel Peace Laureates and 15 Nobel Peace Laureates Organizations from 1999 to 2007.
ROME 2007
The Next Generation
Rome, 8th Summit – 13-15 December 2007
2007 Summit
It took only forty-three seconds, less than a minute, to cause the disappearance of a city, with its dwellers and centuries-old history. One hundred and fifty thousand people literally vanished. That immense devastation was caused by the two atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on 6 and 9 August 1945. Even for peaceful purposes, nuclear energy remains the object of harsh debates, especially in Europe; twenty years after Chernobyl, many countries still pay the price of the reactor number 4 explosion. Yet, in 2004 about 440 nuclear power plants have supplied, in thirty countries, 16% of the world electric power requirement. Of these plants, 140 are located in the United States, 60 in France. By the end of 2004, 26 new nuclear power plants were under construction, 18 of which in Asia. Atomic energy, its influence on the force relationships among countries and the world outlook with the use of alternative energy sources.
Mikhail Gorbachev, His Holiness Il Dalai Lama, Mairead Corrigan Maguire, Mohammed Yunus, Lech Walesa, Betty Williams, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), International Peace Bureau (IPB), American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), Institut de Droit International (IDI), Pugwash Conferences, Red Cross, UNICEF, United Nations (UN), International Labour Organizatio (ILO), Medecins sence Frontieres (MSF), International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Amnesty International, The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL).
Mr Fausto Bertinotti, President of the Chamber of Deputies; Mrs Giovanna Melandri, Minister of Youth Policies and Sports Activities; Mrs Emma Bonino, Minister of International Trade and European Policies; Rita Levi Montalcini, President of the Fondation Rita Levi Montalcini; George Clooney, Actor; Don Cheadle, Actor; Bob Geldof, Singer; David Steward; The FW de Klerk Foundation; Kerry Kennedy, President of the Foundation of Robert F. Kennedy for Europe; Nobuaki Tanaka, Ambassador of Japan in Turkey, former Under Secretary General UN; Green Cross Italy; Anna Cataldi, Journalist; Christie Brinkley, Actress; Om Prakash, 2007 Children’s Peace Prize Winner; David T. Ives, Albert Schweitzer Institute; Luis Alberto Cordero, Arias Foundation for Peace and Human Progress; Prof. Johan Galtung, Founder and Director of Transcend Nordic.
Hosting Parties
The City of Rome
The Permanent Secretariat of the World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates
The Gorbachev Foundation
Thursday, 13 December – Rome, Campidoglio
11.00 am – Giulio Cesare Hall
“Peace Summit Award 2007”
Nobel Peace Laureates and the Mayor of Rome W. Veltroni award Mr George Clooney and Mr Don Cheadle with “Peace Summit Award 2007″ (a unique statuette especially created on this occasion by the internationally known sculptor Oliviero Rainaldi), as to the Personalities selected for defence of human rights and dissemination of the principles of Peace and solidarity in the world.
Speeches by George Clooney and Don Cheadle
11.45 am – Giulio Cesare Hall
– Speech by Honourable, Mr Fausto Bertinotti President of the Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Republic.
Ore 12.00 am
Opening of the VIII Summit
– Introductory statements by the joint chairmen of the Assembly Mr Walter Veltroni and Mr Mikhail Gorbachev.
The Next Generation: is a world without violence possible?
First Sitting
– Opening statement by H.H. The Dalai Lama
– Lech Walesa
– Mairead Corrigan Maguire
– Betty Williams
– Speech by the Honourable, Mr Agazio Loiero, President of Calabria Region
– Speech by Mr Lorenzo Tallarigo, Partner of the Summit.
1.30 – 3 pm
Lunch at the Campidoglio.
3 pm – Piccola Protomoteca Hall
Press Conference on “The Darfur Emergency”
With Mr George Clooney and Mr Don Cheadle.
3.30 – 4.30 pm – Protomoteca Hall
The Next Generation: from the Greenhouse Effect to the compatible Bioenergies
Second Sitting
Format: Round Table with participation of public
– Chaired by: Betty Williams.
– Participants: Nobel Peace Laureates and Organizations, guests, scientists and academics attending the Summit.
4.30 – 6.30 pm – Protomoteca Hall
The Next Generation: an interdependent development and the action towards disarmament
Format: Round Table with participation of public
– Chaired by: Lech Walesa.
– Participants: Nobel Peace Laureates and Organizations, guests of the Summit.
8 pm – Palazzo Pallavicini – Via XXIV Maggio, 43
Reception offered by ‘Kids Rights’ in honour of the Nobel Peace Prizes arrived in Rome (upon invitation).
Friday, 14 December – Rome
With the aim to make the City of Rome live the Summit and to create a dialogue amongst the distinguished personalities participating and the young, lectures by Nobel Peace Laureates and Organizations with discussions of subjects generated from the main theme of the Summit “THE NEXT GENERATION” will be held in different locations of the city.
10 am- Auditorium Parco della Musica, Petrassi Hall – Upon invitation
The Next Generation: new ethics for the new Millenium
– Greeting by Honourable, Mrs. Giovanna Melandri, Minister of Youth and Sports activity
– Introductions by President Mikhail Gorbachev and the Mayor of Rome Mr Walter Veltroni
– Lecture by H.H. the Dalai Lama.
10.30 am – Institute “Leonardo da Vinci”, Via Cavour 258
The Next G eneration: from the fight for freedom to the cease of war
– Discussions with: Lech Walesa, Betty Williams, AFSC, IPB, IDI, IAEA, UN.
10.30 am – Aula Magna Fatebenefratelli, Isola Tiberina
The Next Generation: equal rights in a world of differences
– Discussions with: Mairead Corrigan Maguire, Red Cross, MSF, IPPNW, Pugwash Conferences, UNICEF, ILO
– In collaboration with Kid’s Rights/Athenaeum
Rome, Campidoglio
1.30 – 2.50 pm
3 – 4 pm – Protomoteca Hall
Africa Generation: Struggling for life. From the fight against AIDS to the multi-resistant tuberculosis
– Chaired by: Betty Williams.
– Participants: Nobel Peace Laureates and Organizations, Nobel Laureate Rita Levi Montalcini (President of Rita Levi Montalcini Foundation Onlus), Kerry Kennedy, Anna Cataldi and testimonials of the international campaign on the fight against multi-resistant tuberculosis.
4 – 6 pm- Protomoteca Hall
Session reserved to the Nobel Laureates and Organizations for finalizing and the approval of the “Charter for a World without Violence”
– Chaired by: Mairead Corrigan Maguire.
– Participants: Nobel Peace Laureates.
6.30 pm- Città dell’Altra Economia – Sala Incontri, Largo Dino Frisullo (Testaccio)
The Next Generation: against the poverty, another economy?
– Lecture by Prof. Mohammed Yunus, Nobel Peace Laureate
– Participants: Honourable, Mrs Patrizia Sentinelli, Minister of Cooperation, President of ‘Consorzio Città dell’Altraeconomia’, President of the Micro-credit International Observatory representatives of national and local institutions.
Saturday, 15 December – Campidoglio
9.30 – 12 am- Protomoteca Hall
The next generation: no poverty for a world with no violence
– Chaired by: Prof. Mohammed Yunus.
– Participants: Nobel Peace Laureates and Organizations, guests of the Summit.
Conclusions. Approval of the “Charter for the World without violence”
– Chaired by: Mairead Corrigan Maguire.
12.30 am – Protomoteca Hall
Press conference for the presentation of the “Charter for a World without violence”
Peace Summit Award - George Clooney and Don Cheadle
On the occasion of the 8th World Summit held in Rome on 13 December the Nobel Peace Laureates selected George Clooney and Don Cheadle, who received the peace summit award 2007. The appointees were officially praised for “their strong engagement in favour of pacification in the tortured Darfur region, for having contributed to saving human lives and to alleviating the suffering of the civil populations victims of the war”. George Clooney and Don Cheadle have founded in co-partnership with Matt Damon, Brad Pitt and Jerry Weintraub the association “Not on our Watch” with the aim of drawing the world’s attention to the tragedy in Darfur. In 2007, the Association donated more than 5 million USD to Darfur.
“We are here to give a voice to people who otherwise could not be heard. It’s time for Heads of State to make themselves heard. Peace, like war, is a process that has to be carried forward”.
George Clooney
“ We have been in Darfur and seen their situation. We have to act, above all if we consider that 47 million dollars is nothing for the United States, while for Darfur it would solve the security question for millions of people” .
Don Cheadle
ROME 2006
Atom for Peace or Atom for War?
Rome, 7th Summit – 17-19 December 2006
Mikhail Gorbachev
Lech Walesa
Frederik Willem De Klerk
Mairead Corrigan Maguire
Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo
Rita Levi Montalcini
Tariq Rauf
Juan Somavia
Jeremy Rifkin
Peter Gabriel
Hosting Parties
The City of Rome
The Permanent Secretariat of the World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates
The Gorbachev Foundation
Peace Summit Award - Peter Gabriel
On the occasion of the 7th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates held in Rome on 24 November, Peter Gabriel received the peace summit award 2006 for his commitment to human rights and for his outspoken rejection of war as a means to solve conflicts.
This is surely the award I am most happy about, considering those who gave it to me. I am so naive, I believe in goodness. I hope we will succeed in getting to the roots of human beings and find the magic of our soul and spirit to transform data into information, information into knowledge, knowledge into wisdom, and war into peace”
Peter Gabriel
ROME 2005
Africa Emergency
Rome, 6th Summit – 24-26 November 2005
Mikhail Gorbachev
Lech Walesa
Frederik Willem De Klerk
Betty Williams
Mairead Corrigan Maguire
Rigoberta Menchu Tum
Adolfo Perez Esquivel
American Friends Service Committee
Amnesty International
International Campaign to Ban Landmines
Médicins Sans Frontiéres
International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War International
Labour Organization
International Peace Bureau
United Nations
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Hosting Parties
The City of Rome
The Gorbachev Foundation
Man for Peace 2005 - Bob Geldof and Peace Jam
Man for Peace 2005 to Bob Geldof
For being the key organizer of the 2005 Live8 benefit concerts to draw awareness and lobby politicians to wipe out debt owed by developing countries, and for being involved in the past in numerous other humanitarian causes.
Special Man for Peace Award to Peace Jam
In the memory of Prof. Joseph Rotblat the “Special Man for Peace Award” was presented and awarded to Peace Jam and its founders Dawn Engle and Ivan Suvanjieff for their service in finding ways to teach and inspire youth to advance peace.
ROME 2004
A United World or a Divided World? Multi-ethnicity, Human Rights, Terrorism
Rome, 5th Summit – 10-12 December 2004
Mikhail Gorbachev
Kim Dae-jung
Lech Walesa
José Ramos-Horta
Bet Williams
Mairead Corrigan Maguire
Rigoberta Menchù Tum
Carlos Pilipe Ximenes Belo
Adolfo Perez Esquivel
Jospeh Rotblat
American Friends Service Committee
International Campaign to Ban Landmines
Unicef United Nations Children ‘s Fund
United Nations
UNHCR-United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs
International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War
Internationl Labour Organization
International Peace Bureau
Institut de Droit International
Médecins Sans Frontièrese
Amnesty International
Hosting Parties
The City of Rome
The Gorbachev Foundation
Man for Peace 2005 - Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens)
For having devoted himself to the cases of thousands of children and their families in countries tormented by war, such as Kosovo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania, Montenegro and Iraq, through the humanitarian organisation founded by him, “Small Kindness”, and for having dedicated much of his life to the promotion of peace, reconciliation among peoples and condemnation of terrorism.
ROME 2003
Ethics in Policy, Economics and Science
Rome, 4th Summit – 27-30 December 2003
Mikhail Gorbachev
Kim Dae-jung
Lech Walesa
José Ramos-Horta
Bet Williams
Mairead Corrigan Maguire
Rigoberta Menchù Tum
Carlos Pilipe Ximenes Belo
Adolfo Perez Esquivel
Jospeh Rotblat
American Friends Service Committee
International Campaign to Ban Landmines
Unicef United Nations Children ‘s Fund
United Nations
UNHCR-United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs
International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War
Internationl Labour Organization
International Peace Bureau
Institut de Droit International
Médecins Sans Frontièrese
Amnesty International
Hosting Parties
The City of Rome
The Gorbachev Foundation
Man for Peace 2003 - Italian National Singers’ Football Team
For having raised, in over 400 matches played over 22 years, more than 40 million euro for humanitarian initiatives in many countries of the world, and for having used notoriety and fame to get millions of people to reflect on extremely dramatic international problems and emergencies.
ROME 2002
Water Emergency and other Emergencies of the Planet
Rome, 3rd Summit – 19-20 October 2002
Mikhail Gorbachev
Rigoberta Menchú Tum
Adolfo Pérez Esquivel
Joseph Rotblat
Lech Walesa
Betty Williams
Institut de Droit International
International Peace Bureau
American Friends Service Committee
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
International Labour Organization
United Nations
United Nations Peacekeeping Forces
International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War
Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs
International Campaign to Ban Landmines
Médecins sans Frontières
Amnesty International
Hosting Parties
The City of Rome
The Gorbachev Foundation
ROME 2000
Poverty And Remission Of The International Debt Of Underdeveloped Countries
Rome, 2nd Summit – 11-12 November 2000
Mikhail Gorbachev
Lech Walesa
Joseph Rotblat
Betty Williams
Adolfo Pérez Esquivel
International Labour Organization
International Committee of the Red Cross
International Peace Bureau
Medécins sans frontières
United Nations
High Commissioner for Refugees
American Friends Service Committee
Amnesty International
Institut de Droit International
International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War
International Campaign to ban Landmines
Hosting Parties
The City of Rome
The Gorbachev Foundation
ROME 1999
New Policies for the 21St Century
Rome, 1st Summit – 21-22 April 1999