
Become a media partner


Become a media partner

The World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates aims to inspire, to educate, and to connect Youth and civil society to the experience and knowledge of Nobel Peace Laureates, bringing mutual benefits to the hosting country and all participants of the event. However, our goals can be reached only in collaboration with our partners and friends who support us throughout the year and during the days of Summit. We’re always open to new partnerships and media sponsors who can provide support in spreading the word about the Summit and its activities.

Every year the World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates becomes a meaningful public event, attracting huge interest from members of civil society, government, youth, and both international and national media. If you would like to support the Summit, please email us and we will gladly share information related to being a media partner.

Contacts of the press office

For any media and PR related questions please contact our communication team:

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