The 18th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates “Stronger Together” in Pyeongchang, Province Gangwon

After three days full of empowerment and inspiration, discussions and productive work with Nobel Peace Laureates the 18th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates in Pyeongchang, Gangwon Province was officially closed.

At the last day of the event the Peace Summit Award was presented by Laureates to Peace and Sport Foundation that was created by Joël Bouzou, Olympic medallist and President of the World Olympians Association, and works since 2007 under the High Patronage of H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco.

As Mr Joël Bouzou stated « it is a great honour to receive the 2022 Peace Summit Award. I would like to thank the World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates for the important recognition it has given to the approach we have chosen 15 years ago: the approach of contributing, through sport, to the promotion of a more inclusive and peaceful world. Faced with the resurgence of geopolitical tensions, the need for peace has never been greater; a “culture of peace” has never been so vital. And sport has never had such an important place in it. I would also like to thank H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco, fervent defender of the neutrality, equity and universality of sport, for His support, the Champions of Peace who are committed to us, our partners, and all the stakeholders in sport for peace who have made these ambitious ideals come alive in the field. »

The three days program of the Summit was packed with lots of events including Nobel Peace Laureates visit to DMZ, multiple workshops, panels and thematic forums. Within the Youth program “Leading by Example” 80 PeaceLab projects were presented by young delegates at the Summit. One the projects created by Aerobotics7 organization received the Motivation Ted Turner Social Change prize 2022. The awardee team developed a semi-autonomous drone technology that can seek and precisely identify landmines and other UXOs buried under the ground. The drone was already patented in the USA and India. Aerobotics7 team have already concluded field tests and is currently focusing on improving the identification technology which will be followed by further high threat field tests and finally, field implementation. Their aim is to deploy their technology globally and wherever it is needed.

During the three days of the Summit Pyeonchang was filled with Nobel energy, commitment, inspiration with the help of peace architects Shirin Ebadi, Tawakkol Karman, Leymah Gbowee, Kailash Satyarthi, Ouided Bouchamaoui as well as representatives of Nobel Prize Awarded organizations. Being reunited together for the first time since pandemic Nobel Peace Laureates became stronger together in their passionate speeches during the panels and powerful workshops with the youth delegates. They inspired and empowered the audience – global youth, other speakers and delegates, online participants to stand for peace and to take daily action for this cause.

But one the most moving moment of the Summit was its official opening in light of its founder, Mikhail Gorbachev’s recent passing as a way to remember him. His commitment towards global peace and his dedication to the younger generations was honoured by President of the Permanent Secretariat of the World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates Ekaterina Zagladina.

As Ekaterina Zagladina stated in her opening speech paying a heartful tribute to Mikhail Gorbachev, “he always wanted to put his life and his experience at the service of peace and the coexistence of humanity, and therefore, more than 20 years ago, he had the idea of creating this summit to meet on a regular basis with his fellow Nobel Peace laureates. If we are gathered here today, it is thanks to his global vision, his passion for peace and human values, his moral strength, and his unique way of leadership”.

Later during the opening ceremony another tribute was paid to long-term friends of the Summit, Nobel Peace Laureates – Betty Williams, Desmond Tutu, John Hume, Lord David Trimble, President FW De Klerk who recently passed away after a full passionate life as leaders who put their lives at the service of others. A standing minute of applause was dedicated in memory of those Laureates.

During the three days of the Summit Pyeonchang was filled with Nobel energy, commitment, inspiration. Being reunited together for the first time since pandemic Nobel Peace Laureates became stronger together in their passionate speeches during the panels and powerful workshops with the youth delegates. They inspired and empowered the audience – global youth, other speakers and delegates, online participants to stand for peace and to take daily action for this cause.




For Additional Information:

 Anastasia Mityagina /Media Relations,

World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates,

Tel: +4915231034714 (WhatsApp, Telegram)